JPA: Tiburon/Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority

Web Transparency for JPA
We strive to provide constituents, members, and citizens, information to help them fully understand our mission, administration, and operations. This page helps locate important information related to transparency based on recommendations for administrative and financial data disclosure and best practices. Not all recommendations shown here apply to our JPA, however we've provided links to help you locate available information online. If you need information that is not posted online, or have difficulty locating a document, please feel free to contact us.
About Us
The Tiburon/Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority, via Sanitary District No. 5 of Marin County, provides collection and treatment of wastewater to parts of the Tiburon Peninsula and the City of Belvedere. We serve over 3,500 households and have been part of this community since October of 2012. Via Sanitary District No. 5, we collect, processes, and treat wastewater in accordance with State and Federal Regulations under an NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Permit that regulates sanitary agencies. SD5 is an independent local agency governed by an elected Board of Directors, whom are then appointed to the Board of Directors for the Tiburon/Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority.
Our Mission
The Tiburon/Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority is set up to assist Sanitary District No.5 of Marin County to meet or exceed all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations, and is dedicated to the protection of public health and the environment through effective and economical collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of wastewater.
Service Area

Documents related specifically to the Tiburon/Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority ("JPA") are available for download on the JPA Documents page.
Please see the Tiburon-Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority Budgets at the JPA Documents page.
Please see the Tiburon-Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes at the JPA Documents page.
Elected Officials
Please be advised the Board of Directors are elected to the Sanitary District No. 5 of Marin County, and thus consequently appointed to the Tiburon-Belvedere Wasterwater Financing Authority Board of Directors. For more information on our current Board of Directors, please visit the Board of Directors' page.
Administrative Officials
Key Staff
- Tony Rubio, District Manager 415.435.1501, x106
- Robin Dohrmann, Office Manager 415.435.1501, x101
Please visit the District Staff page for more info.
Staff Benefits & Compensation
Please be advised Tiburon Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority staff members are employed by Sanitary District No. 5 of Marin County. To view current benefits offered, please visit the Salary and Benefits page and scroll down to open the Salary Step Plan.
Please be advised all Tiburon-Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority Audit information can be found in the Sanitary District No. 5 of Marin County Audits. Please visit the audits page to download and view reports.
How to submit a bid/proposal: When projects are available for bid, a Notice Inviting Bids is published in the local newspaper(s). The notice will also be posted on Sanitary District No. 5’s website. In addition, plans, specifications and contract documents will be available in electronic format (pdf) and are generally available for public inspection and purchase at the District Office or the offices of the design firm. Complete bidding instructions are contained in the contract documents.
Open RFPs
Currently, there are no open Requests for Proposals or bidding opportunities.
Bidding Contact Info
- Contract Management, Procurement & Contracts: Tony Rubio, District Manager 415.435.1501, x106
- Contract Administration, Invoices & W-9 Submittals: Robin Dohrmann, Office Manager 415.435.1501, x101
Please Visit the Distric Staff page for more info.
Public Records/Documents
Please see the Tiburon-Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority Public Records Act Request Form (or FAIO) under the Public Records folder at the JPA Documents page.
Revenue Sources
Please see the Tiburon-Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority Revenue Sources at the JPA Documents page.
JPA Agreement
Please see the Tiburon-Belvedere Wastewater Financing Authority Joint Powers of Agreement at the JPA Documents page.