Life Threatening Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Sewer Problems and Emergencies
Call (415) 779-9048
Whether you have an emergency sewer back-up, need information about connecting to the sewer, need to know what SD5 rates and fees are, or want to learn more about pollution prevention, explore our site to find it.
Call Us
For sewer problems, call us first, at 415-779-9048, Day, night, weekends, or whenever, if you’ve got a problem with your drains, just call us first. If the problem is in our sewage mains , we can save you the cost of a plumber's visit. Our answering service will take your name, address, and telephone number, and a member of our crew will call you back or be on your doorstep within 45 minutes.
Our services are free of charge. Keep in mind that the sewer lateral from the house to the District sewer main is the responsibility of the property owner. If the problem turns out to be in your section of the sewer line, you may still need a plumber’s help.

Belvedere Public Works (415) 606-1596
Tiburon Public Works
(415) 435-7354
Tiburon Fire Department
Information (415) 435-7200
Emergencies dial 9-1-1
(800) 743-5000
(415) 945-1400