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Sani5 News: April 27, 2015

New Private Sewer Lateral Triggers (Ordinance 2014-02)

District News-Sani5 Web Admin

Monday, 27 April 2015: 10714 Hits


Sanitary District No.5 of Marin County Ordinance 2014-02 has new lateral inspection requirements that apply ONLY if you are (1) buying or selling a property, (2) doing more than $50,000 worth of building or remodeling within a 3 year period, or (3) if there is a sewer main or road resurfacing project is taking place in a vicinity near you. Additionally, you may voluntarily have your PSL checked to be in compliance with the SD5 Sewer Use Ordinance when you are having work performed on the lateral without meeting any of the triggers. 

Exceptions from the PSL Triggers 

Your PSL is excepted from these new requirements if: 

  • It was originally installed or has been replaced within 20 years prior to the date of application for a building permit, listing the property for sale, or the road work of sewer repair. 
  • It was inspected within 3 years of the date the inspection would have otherwise been required and all necessary repairs were carried out. 

Complying with the PSL Inspection Requirements 

Generally, to comply with PSL inspection requirements, the following steps should be taken: 

Contact Sanitary District No.5 of Marin County @ 415-435-1501 or 2001 Paradise Drive and get additional information and questions answered about the new requirements 

  • Hire a contractor to inspect your PSL. Commonly, this consists of a closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection allowing for the contractor and you to visually see the condition of your PSL, including instances of offset joints, root intrusion and cracked or broken pipe segments which would prevent your PSL from compliance. 
  • The CCTV inspection should be on DVD for submission to the Sanitary District for review. 
  • If your PSL does not comply with ordinance 2014-02, have your PSL repaired or replaced. 
  • If your PSL is free of leaks and in compliance with ordinance 2014-02 a permit will be issued confirming compliance 

Ordinance Effective Date 

Ordinance 2014-02 went into effect on March 4, 2015 District wide. 

Our District service area covers the City of Belvedere and the Town of Tiburon East of Gilmartin Drive.